In the modern world full of hurry, short deadlines and heavy traffic, TV shows slowly, but steadily, take over the glory that once belonged to movies. And whether you are a “couch potato” and enjoy binge-watching your favorite TV show or you prefer savoring your number one series in moderation, this list will hopefully make you start watching the new TV shows you haven’t had the time to get to, as well as revise some of the classics that you somehow lost along the way.

  1. Westworld

This is one of the TV shows that absolutely deserves to top every chart. The thrilling mix of mystery, drama and sci-fi will undoubtedly make you gasp in wonder. The series is set in a near future western theme park where uncannily human-like androids offer visitors every imaginable pleasure. The non-linear storyline, the issues of sin, guilt and hubris, the curious blend of real and surreal and an absolutely masterful role of Sir Anthony Hopkins in this modern “Frankenstein” themed series will certainly captivate your attention. And if you missed season 1, now is the right moment to catch up as season 2 release date is April 22nd.

  1. Stranger Things

Are you a millennial? Do you feel nostalgic for the 1980s? Do you want to watch a TV show that will bring back your childhood memories and amuse you very much at the same time? If you answered these questions with a “yes”, search no more! This charming TV show is set in a small town of Hawkins, Indiana, and follows a group of young boys who investigate a series of supernatural events that begin with their friend Will disappearing into a parallel universe known as “the Upside Down”. The perfect blend of humor, charming characters, paranormal activities and a very realistic portrayal of 1980s vibe will make you want to binge-watch the first two seasons as you wait for season 3 and the all new and interesting adventures of our protagonists.

  1. The Big Bang Theory

After reviewing two relatively new TV shows, here is one “classic”. You may fall into the category of those who never watched this TV show (which is not very likely), those who once watched it, but lost interest (who has the time to watch all the series today?) or those who still vehemently follow it. Whichever may be true, one thing is certain – the more you watch it, the more it will make you laugh! This comedy follows the lives of a group of brilliant young scientists, who happen to be complete geeks as well. Very few people can stay indifferent to the socially awkward and whimsical character of doctor Sheldon Cooper, an ingenious scientist and a hypochondriac blind to social norms, irony and sarcasm. If you are into science and love good comedy, this series surely has a lot to offer and stays fresh even after 10 seasons, so stay tuned for season 11.